Support preparing for adulthood

If you're a young person getting ready for adulthood, we may be able to provide further help and support.

How we can help

Our preparation for adulthood (PFA) team works with 17-year-olds who live in Hillingdon and have an EHCP.

We can:

  • work with schools and colleges to ensure support is suitable for you
  • carry out a careers assessment with you and offer you careers advice
  • provide you with useful information about how to prepare for transition into adulthood
  • refer you to other agencies who may be able to support you
  • attend annual reviews with you
  • talk through different services/options with you.

Support and services we can talk you through 

Depending on your care needs and eligibility, our team will talk you though some of the following support and services.

  • Direct payment and personalisation care - enables you to directly arrange care to meet your needs. For example, you may recruit your own personal assistant/carer or may choose an agency to deliver care. You may decide to use direct payment to attend social activity clubs, such as HACS, DASH or a day centre. 
  • Direct commissioning care - support to help with your personal care or for you to access the community safely. Once type and level of support agreed, your social worker will arrange support on your behalf. Queen Walk Resource Centre and Day Centre offers a range of activities and facilities, which fall under direct commissioning.
  • TeleCareLine - equipment, such as fall detectors, bogus caller alarms or epilepsy management equipment, can help you live fully and access the community safely. 
  • Living arrangements - if you are unable to live independently, we will also discuss with you different living arrangements, including shared lives placements (provide low-level support during the day and someone to check your safety at night), supported living (provides 24/7 support in a secure unit and residential placements (accommodation and personal care for people who need extra support in their daily lives)

How do I access this support?

If you'd like our PFA team to support you in your transition to adulthood, ask your social worker or SEN officer for a referral. 

You can also email or call 01895 556633.

If you qualify for support, the appropriate services will be discussed with the young person and their careers.

Page last updated: 11 Oct 2023