Home Library Service

Our free Home Library Service is for people who are housebound, have mobility difficulties or care for someone and cannot access our services in a library building.

Home Library Service for housebound Hillingdon residents
Our library team visits homes and sheltered housing every 4 weeks with a wide range of library materials, including:

  • books in standard print or large print
  • audio books
  • music on CD
  • DVDs
  • magazines.

You can also make requests for specific books, which are also free of charge.

Sign up for our Home Library Service

If you, or someone you know, would like to join our Home Library Service, complete our online form.  A member of our team will then call you to explain how the service works and ask about the sorts of library materials you would like to borrow.

Sign up for the Home Library Service

If you have any comments or queries, call the Home Library Service on 01895 556446.

Page last updated: 25 Jul 2024