Hazardous waste

Waste is generally considered hazardous if it (or the material or substances it contains) is harmful to humans or the environment. Examples include asbestos, solvents, pesticides, inedible oils and chemicals such as brake fluid or print toner.

Please note: Hazardous chemicals and household paints can be taken to our Harefield Civic Amenity Site.

In this section:

Disposing of PPE (gloves and face masks)

Please dispose of any used PPE (gloves and face masks) in your black rubbish bags.

Do not put used PPE in your recycling bags, as these items cannot be recycled.

Keep all rubbish bags aside for at least 72 hours before putting out on your normal collection day, ensuring the bags are kept separate from your recycling and out of reach of children and pets.

Page last updated: 04 Oct 2022