Filthy and verminous premises

Some people find it difficult to look after themselves and their property - and the property may become untidy and dirty.

In some cases, the situation may deteriorate to a level where there are personal hygiene issues, smells, accumulations of waste, possibly infestations of rats, mice, flies and there is a real risk to the health of the occupier and others, such as neighbours.

If you are aware of someone who is living like this who may require our assistance, report this to us, so we can help.

What we will do

We have a statutory duty to investigate complaints about premises that are in such a filthy and/or verminous condition or are prejudicial to health. This would not include premises that are merely unsightly, untidy or in a bad state of repair.

Once we are made aware of a filthy or verminous property, we will inspect it, so we can decide what actions to take and formal actions to resolve the nuisance being caused.

Examples of the work we may carry out

  • Remove rubbish
  • Remove or destroy pests
  • Remove sewage contamination
  • Clean and disinfect interior surfaces
  • Remove contaminated wallpaper, carpets, furniture (if we cannot clean them)
  • Arrange for any essential and necessary repairs to the property

If a report is received and there is a risk to health, other agencies (such as Social Services) may also become involved.

Report a filthy property

Page last updated: 18 Jul 2024