Hillingdon People back issues
Download previous issues of Hillingdon People.
Continuing to deliver essential services during the pandemic; coronavirus advice and support; refuse and recycling collection dates, and more...
The reopening of Ruislip Manor Library, activities planned to help protect our local environment, an update on the Old Vinyl Factory site, and more...
The borough's diverse range of fitness activities and facilities, our commitment to keeping Hillingdon green, and more...
Christmas events and activities, London in Bloom and Hillingdon in Bloom competitions, Recycle Week, and more...
Accessing our libraries online, Open House weekend, how to become a Street Champion, Culture Bite events, and more...
Events for all the family, we continue our fight against Heathrow expansion plans, learn new skills, and more...
Hillingdon in Bloom, town improvement programme updates, and more...
Budget for 2019/20 confirmed, keeping our residents safe, and more...
New outdoor gyms, town improvements, Tovertafel magic tables, and more...
Christmas in Hillingdon, horticultural successes, Grassy Meadow Court development, and more...
Culture Bite, Natasha Baker introduces Diva, recycle week, FIESTA and more...
New and upgraded facilities, adult learning courses, new innovative coffee bins, and more...