Joint Strategic Needs Assessment
The aim of the JSNA is to improve the health and wellbeing of the local community and reduce inequalities for all ages, identifying those groups where health and care needs are not being met and those which are experiencing comparatively different outcomes.
Hillingdon's JSNA is an ongoing process, which is used to determine what actions Hillingdon Council, Hillingdon NHS and our partners need to take to prioritise and address health and social care needs, improve health outcomes and reduce health inequalities.
It pulls together local needs assessments, strategies, and plans.
Download Hillingdon's full JSNA report (PDF, 6 MB) or select a PDF below to view a specific section.
Section | What this section covers | Page |
JSNA - Introduction (PDF, 1 MB) | Short summary of the main findings from the 2022 Hillingdon Joint Strategic Needs Assessment | 1 |
JSNA - Summary (PDF, 482 KB) | Health and wellbeing overall | 4 |
Children and young people | 5 | |
Working age adults | 7 | |
Older people | 8 | |
JSNA - Population (PDF, 1 MB) | Hillingdon population characteristics | 9 |
Mortality and life expectancy | 10 | |
Health outcomes projections | 10 | |
Inequalities | 11 | |
Population estimates | 13 | |
GP registered population | 16 | |
Age distribution | 16 | |
Population projections | 17 | |
Population by ward | 19 | |
Births and birth projections | 19 | |
Causes of death | 22 | |
Life expectancy | 22 | |
Ethnicity | 25 | |
JSNA - Health conditions and mortality (PDF, 3 MB) | Health conditions | 26 |
Health outcomes projections | 26 | |
All causes all ages mortality | 26 | |
Early (premature) mortality | 28 | |
Hospital admissions | 29 | |
Excess winter deaths | 33 | |
Cancers | 36 | |
Breast cancer screening coverage | 40 | |
Cervical cancer screening coverage for femalesin Hillingdon | 42 | |
Lung cancer | 45 | |
All cancers | 46 | |
Cardiovascular disease | 48 | |
Heart disease | 50 | |
Cerebrovascular disease (CVA) - stroke | 53 | |
Circulatory disease | 56 | |
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease | 58 | |
Respiratory disease | 61 | |
Liver disease | 64 | |
Dementia | 66 | |
Hip fractures | 70 | |
Injuries | 73 | |
Disability | 75 | |
Mental health condition under 18 years | 80 | |
Diabetes | 82 | |
TB incidence | 85 | |
Intentional self harm - emergency hospital admissions | 87 | |
Suicide | 89 | |
Infant mortality | 91 | |
Road traffic injury | 93 | |
Preventable mortality | 94 | |
JSNA - Impact of behaviour on health (PDF, 1 MB) | Smoking | 96 |
Alcohol | 102 | |
Alcohol specific conditions for males | 103 | |
Alcohol specific conditions for females | 105 | |
Obesity | 107 | |
Physical activity and inactivity | 110 | |
Violent crime including sexual violence | 112 | |
Unintentional and deliberate injuries in children aged 0-14 years | 114 | |
Unintentional and deliberate injuries in children aged 15-24 years | 116 | |
Intentional self-harm | 117 | |
Self-harm in children | 119 | |
Emergency admissions due to falls | 120 | |
Sexual health | 123 | |
Under-18's conception rates | 124 | |
Teenage parents | 125 | |
Abortions | 127 | |
Breastfeeding | 129 | |
JSNA - Wider determinants of health (PDF, 1 MB) | Income and employment | 131 |
Gender pay equality | 132 | |
Deprivation | 133 | |
Child poverty | 135 | |
Housing and Homelessness | 138 | |
Education | 141 | |
Special educational needs | 146 | |
GCSE attainment | 147 | |
School attendance | 150 | |
Children not in education or training (NEET) | 152 |