Every year, we celebrate the achievements of our children in care with an awards event.
The awards recognise young people who have overcome a difficult upbringing or challenging circumstances to make an outstanding achievement in their lives - whether this is achieving excellent exam results, making a contribution to the community, doing well in sport, or making personal progress by improving their own development, self esteem or sense of wellbeing.
The event is designed, planned and hosted by the KICA panel. If you are a young person in care, or a care leaver, in Hillingdon and would like to join the panel, email kica@hillingdon.gov.uk.
Young Citizens is a training programme for 16 to 25-year-olds from migrant and refugee backgrounds, where you can take part in interactive workshops to share your views and learn new skills, make films and run events.
Young NCB is open to all children and young people aged up to 18-years-old (up to 25 for those with special educational needs or disabilities). It provides an opportunity to speak out about the things that are important to you and contribute to the work the National Children's Bureau (NCB) does to improve the lives of children and young people.