Our Library Service Strategy

The council is committed to providing a first-class library service for its residents.

Our 5-year Library Service Strategy outlines our intention to build on existing successes and introduce new initiatives, so that as many people as possible can experience our libraries' vast benefits, while we ensure our libraries are efficient and sustainable for the future.  

The strategy focuses on 5 aims/ambitions that retain and enhance initiatives around:

  1. reading, literacy and culture
  2. health and wellbeing
  3. digital services and inclusion
  4. information and learning
  5. sustainable service delivery.  

Traditional library offerings (books, computers and information) will continue to be provided, as well as our Home Library Service, mobile library, and a wide programme of free or low-cost events and activities.

We will also be developing initiatives to respond to residents' needs, and investing in buildings and facilities (including digital systems) to improve customer experience and provide more opportunities for residents to engage with arts, culture, learning and wellbeing in a flexible community space.  

For full details, download and read the Library Service Strategy 2023 to 2027 (PDF, 2 MB)

Page last updated: 26 May 2023