Fines for littering and rubbish accumulation

Find out about on-the-spot fines and notices for littering and waste disposal.

On-the-spot fines for littering and anti-social behaviour

On-the-spot fines for littering and graffiti are £400. The fine is discounted to £200 if paid within 10 days. 

Anyone who fails to pay their Fixed Penalty Notice within 14 days risks being taken to court and fined up to £2,500. 

Pay an on-the-spot fine

Please note: If you wish to dispute a FPN, email

Fines for spitting

All forms of spitting, including chewable paan and khat and chewing gum are unacceptable and unhygienic. Spitting paan is especially anti-social as it leaves dark red stains on the streets and cleaning it up is time consuming and costly.

Anyone caught spitting will be asked to clean it up or they will receive an on-the-spot fine of £100.

Fines for littering and dumping rubbish

Fixed Penalty Notices (FPNs) are issued for offences previously dealt with as prosecutions. This means we now issue on-the-spot fines rather than take a person to court for prosecution. FPNs affect both residents and traders in Hillingdon.

Fines range between £80 and £400, depending on the offence, and include:

Residents and traders

  • Failure to comply with a Waste Receptacles (Bin) Notice - the notice will specify the number and type of bins we consider are required for the storage of household domestic waste before it's collected
  • Failure to produce waste transfer notes on demand

Traders only

  • Failure to produce authority to transport waste
  • Failure to comply with a litter clearing notice
  • Failure to comply with a street litter control notice
  • Failure to pay the original fine can lead to prosecution

Important information for traders     

  • If you continually let your rubbish spill out over the street, you'll get a warning letter before a notice is served. If a notice is served, you'll need to use a standard domestic waste bin to store the black sacks between collections.
  • If you employ a person to remove waste, you need to make sure they're a registered waste carrier. If the waste is dumped illegally, you're both liable.
  • If you allow a third party to take your rubbish away, you must get a waste transfer note from them showing their name, address, waste carrier's number and where they've taken your waste to.
  • As a trader, you must have a contract in place with a registered waste carrier for trade waste removal.
  • If you're a small trader and you take your trade waste to a licensed waste disposal site, you must obtain waste transfer notes from the operators of the facility.
  • If you're found to be storing your waste in an unsuitable way, you're in breach of your duty of care. A notice will be served requiring you to use a trade waste bin.
  • If you carry waste as part of your business, you must have authority to transport that waste. You can apply to the Environment Agency for a licence and you must make sure you have your licence ready for inspection.
Page last updated: 05 Jul 2024