Maps of Hillingdon

Details of how to find and request maps of Hillingdon.

Wall maps

Large wall maps of the borough with an index of streets, produced by Geographers A-Z Map Co Ltd, are available to buy from our GIS team.

They cost £8.50 each (plus £5 for postage, if required).

To order a wall map, email

Maps showing building names and house numbers

If you require a map that shows building names and house numbers, you can view the up-to-date Ordnance Survey 1:1250 scale maps covering the area of the borough of Hillingdon at Uxbridge Library.

Unfortunately, the Ordnance Survey Copyright Licence does not allow us to let you make copies from this set, except under the 'fair dealing' rules:

  • up to 4 photocopies of a small (A4) extract from one of the library's map sets may be obtained under the fair dealing scheme - these copies must be for the purpose of your 'research, private study, criticism or review'. Uxbridge Library also holds historical maps of the borough, going back to the early 1800s.
  • Ordnance Survey Copyright and Public Libraries

Map sets required to accompany a planning or building control application can be obtained from Ordnance Survey mapping and data centres

Maps for school projects

If your child attends a school within Hillingdon, we can supply them with a map extract for use in a school project.

Requests should be accompanied by a letter from the school.

Instead of mulitple requests from individual families, the school should make one request for the class or year.

This would not prevent them obtaining copies from the Uxbridge Library under the fair dealing rules. Uxbridge Library also has a Local Studies section, which may be of help for projects like this.

Court cases

If you need a map/aerial photograph of where an incident occurred, we can only help when reproduction is officially called for by the Court, in connection with any proceedings in parliamentary, judicial, Royal Commission or statutory inquiry matters once they have begun.

In these cases, it is normal for the police or court to contact us directly.

Please note: We cannot supply extracts during the preparation activities running up to the start of the proceedings.