Costs for museum and archive services

Costs for image copying, our search service and talks.

Image copying 

Copy typeSize / formatCost
PhotocopiesBlack and white A410p
 Black and white A320p
 Colour A440p
 Colour A380p
Digital copiesJPEG image - supplied by email, or on CD (additional £2.50 per disc)£5

Commercial reproduction

If the image is not for personal use, an additional fee of £20 per image is payable for photographs and copies (and added to the relevant copying charge above). 

Examples include:

  • planning applications from businesses
  • in books or magazines
  • on websites
  • for broadcasts
  • for display in offices, restaurants or other business premises.


No set fee is charged to local groups but we request a donation for the work of the service.

Page last updated: 25 Jul 2023