Parenting Apart Programme

Arguing and conflict can be part of a normal relationship. However, frequent, intense and poorly-resolved parental conflict can negatively impact a child's mental health, early emotional and social development, educational attainment and employability.

By preventing parental conflict from escalating and causing harm to families, we can support children and young people to lead fulfilling and happy lives. 

About our Parenting Apart Programme

Our Parenting Apart Programme (PAP) supports parents who are going through conflict, divorce or separation, where relationships have broken down. It also supports the emotional wellbeing of children during this difficult time.

The PAP offers a supportive environment for both parents, so they can work towards an agreed co-parenting relationship.

The programme lasts 4 weeks and involves 5 sessions, which can be held face-to-face or virtually.

The initial session takes place with each parent and then there are 3 joint sessions with both parents, which would result in a Parent Working Agreement.

Who can use the PAP?

Our programme is open to parents and carers in Hillingdon who are in conflict, divorced or separated, where:

  • there is consent from both parents and/or carers.
  • there are no safeguarding concerns identified
  • it is safe for children to have contact with either parent.

What are the benefits of using our programme?

  • Reduces the time and expenses of court proceedings and solicitors' fees.
  • Improves communication skills between parents.
  • Reduces parental stress and anxiety.
  • Children are able to continue to have relationships with both parents.
  • Improves the emotional and mental wellbeing of children.
  • Creates a more stable environment for children between homes.
  • Builds a better co-parenting relationship.
  • Gives parents a better understanding about what is best for their children.
  • Improves relationships between parents and children when a significant change has taken place.

Contact us

If you are a family and would like to take part in the Parenting Apart Programme, get in touch with our Stronger Families Hub team by emailing or call 01895 556006.

If you are a professional wishing to refer a family for the Parenting Apart Programme, please complete a referral form through our online portal.

Complete a referral form (professionals only)

Further support

Page last updated: 08 Jul 2024