Supplementary Planning Documents and Guidance

To help support decisions on planning applications, we've compiled a series of supplementary planning guidance (SPG) and supplementary planning documents (SPD) to provide greater detail on our strategic policies.

In this section:
RAF Uxbridge Supplementary Planning Document

RAF Uxbridge Supplementary Planning Document

The RAF Uxbridge Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) sets out the Council's proposals for how the former RAF Uxbridge site should be redeveloped. The SPD was subject to significant public consultation before being adopted by the Council's Cabinet in January 2009. 

RAF Uxbridge - supplementary planning document (PDF, 4 MB)

The purpose of the SPD is to provide planning guidance for the future use and development of the RAF Uxbridge site, including an indication of the extent and form of development that may be considered acceptable.

RAF Uxbridge is a Royal Air Force (RAF) Base located next to the Uxbridge Town Centre. This supports the implementation of Site Allocation 28 - St Andrews Park in the Council's Local Plan Part 2.

Page last updated: 20 Jul 2023