How to apply for building control approval

There are 3 types of applications for building control approval: building notice, full plans and regularisation. If the works proposed relate to a Higher Risk Building (please see the BSR link for definition) you will need to apply to the Building Safety Regulator (BSR) for approval.

In this section:
Application for building control approval with full plans

Application for building control approval with full plans

Purpose: For domestic or commercial works. Requires the submission of detailed plans and structural calculations for approval.

You may be liable for council tax for any building which has been constructed or adapted for use as separate living accommodation

How to apply

Your application needs to include:

  1. a completed application form (this can be completed online by clicking on the orange button below).
  2. a completed supplementary information form (PDF, 234 KB) (required following implementation of the Building Safety Act)
  3. a site location plan (1:1250 scale) and a block plan (1:500 scale).
  4. all detailed plans, sections and elevations, including all necessary technical notes, supporting calculations and specifications.
  5. a description/details of the work proposed.
  6. the appropriate fee - check the  Building control fees - 2023/24 (PDF, 287 KB)

Apply for building control with full plans

How to pay

Applications should be accompanied by the correct fee, which you can find in the  document. Use our online application for building control approval with full plans (link above).

If you are paying for a submitted application, please use the below link.

Pay for a submitted full plans application

What happens next?

Plan checking

Once your completed application has been received, your plans will be checked for compliance with the building regulations. You will normally receive a formal decision within 5 weeks confirming whether the application is approved, approved subject to 'requirements', or rejected. Please note: if you engage an independent agent to submit your application on your behalf, all correspondence will normally be conducted through the agent.

Work can start at any time after submitting the application, subject to giving 48 hours' notice.

Please note: However, you are strongly advised to await a formal approval, so that you are fully aware of all requirements before work begins.


The team will inspect works throughout the project at appropriate stages and advise the builder where necessary on how to ensure compliance with the Building Regulations.


Within 5 days of completing the works, you are required to submit a Notice of Completion, by completing the  LABC Regulation 16(4A) Completion Notice (PDF, 207 KB) form and emailing it to

Once satisfied that the work is finished and complies with the requirements of the regulations, a free completion certificate will be issued.

Page last updated: 10 Jun 2024