Alcohol and entertainment

You need a licence to sell alcohol and provide some forms of entertainment within Hillingdon.

Premises licence

To provide sales of alcohol, regulated entertainment or late night refreshment, you will need authorisation.

What you need to know

We issue a premises licence for the following activities:

  • sale by retail of alcohol
  • supply of alcohol by or on behalf of a club or an individual member
  • provision of regulated entertainment
  • provision of late night refreshment between the hours of 11pm to 5am.

Read the Licensing Act policy (PDF, 534 KB)

The application form for a premises licence set out details on how the premises is proposed to operate, this is called the operating schedule. 

An operating schedule can consist of: 

  • licensable activities
  • times when the activities will take place
  • how the licensing objectives are going to be upheld 
  • any other times when the premises will be open to the public.

In completing an operating schedule, you are expected to have an understanding of the licensing policy for your area. You must also be aware of the expectations of the council as a licensing authority.

There are further requirements if you want to apply for a club premises certificate.

What we need to see

Applications must be sent to the licensing authority for the area where the premises are located. Upon submitting your application, we expect receive:

  • the required fee which is based on the non-domestic rateable value of the property
  • an operating schedule
  • a plan of the premises
  • a form of consent from the premises supervisor
  • a designated premises supervisor is not required for a club premises for applications where the sale of alcohol will be a licensable activity.

Once you have applied, you will need to advertise your application in 2 ways:

  • once in a local newspaper within 10 working days
  • on a poster at the premises for at least 28 days.

We must grant the application where no representations have been received within the consultation period. Where representations are received, a licensing sub-committee hearing must be held to consider the application.


Application for the grant/variation of a premises licence or club premises certificateBandNon-domestic rateable value Fees
(including premises with no non-domestic rateable value) ANil to £4,300 £100
 B£4,301 to £33,000 £190
(including premises under construction) C£33,001 to £87,000 £315
(premises not primarily used for the supply/sale of alcohol for consumption on the premises) D£87,001 to £125,000 £450
(premises not primarily used for the supply/sale of alcohol for consumption on the premises) E£125,001 and above £635 
(premises primarily used for the supply/sale of alcohol for consumption on the premises) D£87,001 to £125,000 £900
(premises primarily used for the supply/sale of alcohol for consumption on the premises) E£125,001 and above£1905


Apply for a premises licence

Page last updated: 13 Jul 2023