Apply for a licence
We are the responsible licensing authority for the Hillingdon area. There are a wide range of licences, permits and registrations available.

You need a licence to sell alcohol and provide some forms of entertainment within Hillingdon.

Licences are required to keep certain animals, including keep dangerous wild animals, and also for businesses that deal with animals, including dog walking and animal boarding.

Information on operating licences, personal licences and premises licences for providers of gambling facilities.

All premises offering massage and other special treatments must apply for a licence before they commence trading. It is an offence to operate without a licence.

If you sell produce (including food) in the street in Hillingdon, you may require a street trading licence.

Information and application forms for running a camp or caravan site, marriage ceremony premises, food premises or auction premises.

If you intend to store fireworks or sell them to consumers, you must obtain a licence.

If you are putting on a show involving children or employing a school age child, find out if you need a licence or permit.

Advice and information on all highway related licences and permits.