Hillingdon residents encouraged to help shape the council's Local Plan
Monday 29 April 2024: Hillingdon Council has launched a consultation on the borough's new Local Plan giving residents the opportunity to share their views and ensure the plan reflects the needs and desires of local people.

A Local Plan is a vital planning document for local authorities, which sets out the borough's vision over the next 15 years and approach to guiding and managing development in an area in line with national and regional planning regulations.
The plan will set out policies and proposals for the use of land, including where new homes, businesses and infrastructure should be located, how they should be designed and built, how heritage assets and the natural environment will be protected, and the approach to tackling climate change.
Cllr Eddie Lavery, Hillingdon Council's Cabinet Member for Residents' Services, said: "We are committed to putting our residents first and creating safe and strong communities.
"The Local Plan will ensure the community and the council have a greater say over how the borough tackles challenges such as creating more homes, preserving heritage assets, protecting the environment and growing the economy.
"It's the first stage of consultation, and we are asking you what the Local Plan should contain. This is your opportunity to make your voice heard and ensure the borough gets the right development in the right place.
"I encourage every resident and business to consider and share how they would like the borough to develop for years to come."
The Regulation 18 'Call for Views' consultation is a formal stage in the Local Plan process which allows residents, businesses, and other stakeholders to have their say on what the draft plan should include.
The council is hosting two information sessions to introduce the Local Plan and the purpose of the consultation:
- Online session: Wednesday 22 May 2pm to 3.30pm (MS Teams). This will include a short introduction to the Local plan. To sign up, email localplan@hillingdon.gov.uk.
- In person drop-in session: Thursday 23 May 6pm to 8pm (Civic Centre: Committee Room 4)
The consultation will run until Monday 17 June. Residents will be able to share their views online using the simple survey at www.hillingdon.gov.uk/local-plan.
Paper copies of the consultation documents are also available at the Civic Centre by appointment. To book an appointment, email localplan@hillingdon.gov.uk.
Find out more www.hillingdon.gov.uk/local-plan-review.