About the Mayor of Hillingdon

Mayor's role

Every year in May, a councillor is elected as the Mayor of Hillingdon and becomes Hillingdon's ceremonial and civic head for the year.

The role of the Mayor

The Mayor is the First Citizen of the London Borough of Hillingdon. During his/her term of office, he/she has a specific role to play for the local authority.

Many of the rules and regulations that govern the actions of the Mayor are passed by Parliament.

The Mayor's office is apolitical and he/she represents the council at many civic and ceremonial events in Hillingdon, as well as other boroughs.

The Mayor's attendance can add weight to special events organised by Hillingdon based voluntary and resident groups, charities, faith groups, schools, colleges, universities, statutory bodies and businesses.


​The Mayor has statutory precedence of the London Borough of Hillingdon, whereby he/she ranks immediately after members of the Royal Family, who always take precedence.

The exception is when His Majesty's Lieutenant (or a Deputy Lieutenant acting for the Lord Lieutenant) is attending in his/her official capacity to represent the Sovereign, or when any other person is present as the Sovereign's representative.

At a function, unless Royalty (or a representative) is present, the Mayor should be placed to the immediate right of the person presiding. It is customary for those present to rise when the Mayor enters and leaves.


    The Mayor attends many different types of functions throughout Hillingdon, including the official opening of events or new facilities, talking to clubs and societies, and visiting schools.

    One of the Mayor's most important tasks throughout the year is to chair council meetings in the Council Chamber, to keep order and ensure the rules of debate are followed.

    The Mayor hosts visits to the Mayor's Parlour from various organisations and is always happy to receive a request.

    In a non-political way, the Mayor is responsible for furthering the interests of the borough whenever and wherever an appropriate occasion arises.

    While hosting Citizenship Ceremonies and during any official visits to the borough, the Mayor has the role of receiving Members of the Royal Family.

    The Mayor also acts as host to distinguished visitors, including national representatives of various organisations and foreign visitors, especially those from our twin towns of Schleswig and Mantes la Jolie.

    Page last updated: 13 Sep 2023