Brownfield land registers provide up-to-date information on previously developed sites local authorities consider to be available and potentially suitable for residential development. This does not include land or buildings in agricultural use or residential gardens. All sites must meet the definition of 'previously developed land' as set out in the National Planning Policy Framework.
View the register
The Hillingdon brownfield land register is available in a map view or you can download it the following formats:
The register is based on data extracted on April 2020. This data is provided under the Open Government Licence and contains OS data © Crown copyright 2017.
The council is currently gathering new data with the aim of updating the Brownfield land register shortly.
How sites are selected
Sites included in the register are:
- at least 0.25 hectares or capable of supporting at least 5 dwellings
- suitable for residential development - the site has been allocated in a local development plan document for residential use, has planning permission for residential use or is considered by the local authority to be appropriate for residential use
- available for residential development - there's no impediment to development in terms of ownership issues or legal constraints on the land
- achievable for residential development within 15 years
The sites within the brownfield land register are based on existing planning permissions and on adopted site allocations within the
Hillingdon Local Plan Part 2: Site Allocations and Designations (PDF, 6 MB).
Parts 1 and 2 of the register
The regulations require the register to be kept in two parts.
- Part 1 of the brownfield land register consists of all brownfield sites assessed as appropriate for residential development.
- Part 2 of the brownfield land register is a subset of Part 1. Part 2 consists of sites in Part 1 granted permission in principle for residential development.
Hillingdon Council does not currently have any Part 2 sites on its register.
If you have any queries or comments regarding the brownfield land register, you can contact the Planning Policy team by emailing