Planning policy

Local Implementation Plan

Hillingdon's Local Implementation Plan (LIP) sets out how the council proposes to implement the Mayor's Transport Strategy (MTS) and provides details on transport strategy, projects, proposals and programmes from 2019.

The LIP allows the council to plan strategically to meet current and future transport challenges and achieve the council's overriding ambitions to be an attractive and sustainable borough.

The LIP transport policies, programme and long term aspirations address demands on the existing transport network to not only maintain the existing network but improve mobility and access to employment, retail and leisure opportunities. It enables key centres, including Uxbridge, Hayes and West Drayton in the south, and Ruislip Manor in the north to remain competitive and delivery of new jobs in the Heathrow opportunity area as well as local economic growth, housing development and regeneration.

An essential aspect of the LIP is the council's role as a partner, which for Hillingdon means working closely with Transport for London (TfL), transport operators, Heathrow Airport Limited, local businesses, community groups and the wider public to deliver a range of improvements that help change the way people travel. Some of the proposed improvements within the LIP can be implemented by the borough, using its statutory planning, highways and network management and parking powers. Other improvements, particularly the larger, longer term projects, need to be delivered in partnership. For example, improvements to the Transport for London Road Network (TLRN), and at rail and underground stations.

The LIP comprises objectives through the life of the MTS to 2041 and a three year delivery plan, including the more immediate projects from 2019-2022, as well as those larger, longer term major schemes and new infrastructure projects.

The LIP includes a performance monitoring plan relating to bus service reliability, principal roads asset condition, road traffic casualties, mode share and CO2 emissions.

The Local Implentation Plan 2019 - 2041 was approved at Cabinet and endorsed by the Mayor in 2019.

Hillingdon Third Local Implementation Plan 2019-2041 (PDF, 10 MB)

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Page last updated: 20 Jul 2023